Category: research

Code and Humanities

Uncovering the Secrets of Historical Finnish with NLP and DH

Linguistic Change in Old Literary Finnish In the fascinating study titled “Linguistic Change and Historical Periodization of Old Literary Finnish” by Partanen et al. (2021a) researchers employed innovative NLP methods to explore the evolution of Old Literary Finnish over centuries. They developed a lemmatization model based on the texts of Mikael Agricola, a prominent figure…
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Cool digital humanities research on neologisms

Neologisms are new words, simply put. The tech revolution has brought many such words to our everyday vocabulary like googling or youtuber. In this post, I will go through some of my digital humanities research on neologisms in modern TV shows in English and historical neologisms in old letters. Neologisms in modern TV shows The…
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NLP for Endangered Languages in the Era of Neural Networks

Neural networks have fundamentally changed the way we do NLP research. Nobody in their sane mind would start to write rules or embrace statistical methods anymore when solving NLP tasks… Unless, of course, one was doing NLP for endangered languages. Such languages have very few resources which leads to the illusion that rule-based methods are…
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Vernacular Voices: Leveraging NLP for Dialectal Text Analysis

In the rich tapestry of human language, dialects represent the vibrant variations that give voice to our diverse cultures and communities. However, these variations often present unique challenges in the realm of Natural Language Processing (NLP), where standard language has traditionally been the norm. In this blog post, we will uncover the cutting-edge techniques of…
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Crafting NLP Techniques for Automating News Headline Generation

In the rapidly evolving world of digital media, staying abreast of the latest news and presenting it in an engaging manner has become crucial for publishers and content creators. The task of crafting compelling headlines, traditionally the domain of experienced journalists and copywriters, is undergoing a transformative shift thanks to advancements in Natural Language Processing…
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Text Normalization Tricks Every Digital Humanist Should Know

Delving into historical texts with modern Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques presents a formidable challenge, primarily due to the pervasive issue of non-standard spelling variations. Historically, the absence of standardized spelling rules meant that words were often spelled in multiple, unpredictable ways, reflecting the phonetic interpretations of authors across different regions and periods. In this…
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Using AI in Mental Health for Depression Detection

In today’s digital age, mental health has emerged as a critical concern, affecting millions globally. The silent struggle with mental health issues often goes unnoticed, buried within the confines of personal narratives shared online. However, the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a beacon of hope. AI’s ability to parse vast datasets and understand nuances…
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How to Incorporate Multimodal ML in NLP Methods?

Multimodal ML (Machine Learning) is a challenging thing to work with and it is even more challenging when you are to apply it in the context on NLP (Natural Language Processing) research. In this post, we will take a look at three papers that utilize Multimodal ML to solve a variety of tasks related to…
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Exploring Different Approaches to Computational Poem Generation

Here I recap a lustrum long work on poem generation using different computational approaches. Artificial intelligence research has taken giant leaps over the recent years and this blog post reflects that radical change. I will showcase work conducted using foundation models, genetic algorithms and templates. Poem generation using RoBERTa and GPT-2 In the enchanting world…
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How to Conduct Human Evaluation in the Field of NLP?

I discuss two papers on human evaluation of NLP methods. The first presents a large problem in the field, whereas the latter studies how human evaluation is conducted and gives some suggestions on how it should be done in the future. The Great Misalignment Problem in Human Evaluation The Great Misalignment Problem, as discussed in…
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